Common Repository of the University of Science and Technologies
Welcome to the Common Repository of the University of Science and Technologies (CRUST)!
CRUST is an electronic archive created to publish, accumulate, store and provide free full-text access to publications.
These publications have a scientific, educational, and methodological purpose. They are created by teachers, researchers, employees, graduate students, or students of the university (student publications are published with the review of a supervisor).
CRUST also provides university employees with the opportunity to publish their own scientific papers.
For contacts: [email protected]
The institutional repository of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Communities in CRUST
Select a community to browse its collections.
- ENG: Library
- ENG: Department of military training of specialists
- ENG: Common collection
- UKR: Кафедра Технічна механіка ДІІТ<br>ENG: Department of Technical Mechanics of DIIT
- ENG: Department Physics and Applied Mathematics DIIT (formed in 2024 by merging the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Department of Physics)