Laboratory and Numerical Investigation of Pre-Tensioned Reinforced Concrete Railway Sleepers Combined with Plastic Fiber Reinforcement

ENG: : This research investigates the application of plastic fiber reinforcement in pre-tensioned reinforced concrete railway sleepers, conducting an in-depth examination in both experimental and computational aspects. Utilizing 3-point bending tests and the GOM ARAMIS system for Digital Image Correlation, this study meticulously evaluates the structural responses and crack development in conventional and plastic fiber-reinforced sleepers under varying bending moments. Complementing these tests, the investigation employs ABAQUS’ advanced finite element modeling to enhance the analysis, ensuring precise calibration and validation of the numerical models. This dual approach comprehensively explains the mechanical behavior differences and stresses within the examined structures. The incorporation of plastic fibers not only demonstrates a significant improvement in mechanical strength and crack resistance but paves the way for advancements in railway sleeper technology. By shedding light on the enhanced durability and performance of reinforced concrete structures, this study makes a significant contribution to civil engineering materials science, highlighting the potential for innovative material applications in the construction industry.
A.Németh: ORCID 0000-0002-3477-6902, D. Kurhan: ORCID 0000-0002-9448-5269, M. Sysyn: ORCID 0000-0001-6893-0018, S. Fischer: ORCID 0000-0001-7298-996; H. Csótár: ORCID 0000-0003-1675-4053, Movahedi, Rad M.: ORCID 0000-0002-8393-724X
railway, reinforced concrete, sleeper, pre-stressing, plastic fiber reinforcement, laboratory experiments, numerical modeling, FEM, ABAQUS, DIC, КТІ
Németh Attila, Ibrahim Sarah Khaleel, Movahedi Rad Majid, Szalai Szabolcs, Major Zoltán, Kocsis Szürke Szabolcs, Jóvér Vivien, Sysyn Mykola, Kurhan Dmytro [et al.]. Laboratory and Numerical Investigation of Pre-Tensioned Reinforced Concrete Railway Sleepers Combined with Plastic Fiber Reinforcement. Polymers. 2024. Vol. 16, Iss. 11. 1498. DOI: 10.3390/polym16111498.